Here is their site

Rubika is an incredible place to meet profesional of the industry, exchange and learn from them. I have been learning about the theory of Game Design, but we have also lots of opportunities to put it to practice, with short projects, intensive weeks or lasting several months.
If i had to recall some of the lessons I learned during my time here:

  • Don't be afraid to not use an idea for this game, it is not lost you can keep it in mind for another project.
  • Communication is primordial as a Game Designer, and it is at least half of our work to communicate our ideas smoothly to the rest of the team.
  • It is important to know about every components that are part of a video game, graphics, sound, programmation, writing, game mechanics, because they all can be used to create impactful experiences.



Here is their site

My first internship! It was in a small company making VR experiences. It's a welcoming team of 7 people.
I mainly worked on the pre-production of the next game they were going to produce, with the help of the manager. It's a racing party game, like Mario Kart, but in VR.

So my tasks were to:

  • Conceptualize and formatize every aspects of the game.
  • Create Level Designs that would serve for their first prototype.
  • Presentate the concept and ideas to the rest of the team.

But most importantly I learned:

  • To communicate more efficaciously.
  • To work with a waterfall hierarchy.
  • To create experiences with the limits of a platform like VR.

Internship ???


Golden Rails


This is my first long-length project, we created the boardgame in 8 months. We were a team of 6 persons. The production was different than with a video game. We were able to have a prototype very fast, and we could test mechanics quasi instantly.
It was a very good experience to start testing Game Design ideas.
About the game itself, it's a goold-old western setting, you robber a train with the help of other criminals, but you all want more money than the others. It's a coopetition game where you help but also betray your friends.

What I did on the project:

  • Working on the concept with a bottom-up method, coming from the mechanics, to the universe.
  • Keep the documentation up-to-date with clear documents.
  • Create prototypes, playtest again and again, and balancing a lot.

But most importantly I learned:

  • To work with a team and overcome discord with calm and logic, to take a decision.
  • That you can create fun, with simple but good systems.
  • That the more you polish and test, the better the final experience will be.

Kairos' Heritage

Escape Game

This was a project done during an intensive week, like a week-long jam. It was quite chalenging, we were 6 in the team, and we had to create from scratch an escape game playable at the end of the week. I was Project Manager on the project, and it is one of the most satisfying project I worked on. We were all pride of the product we delivered in the end, and we did everything that we planned. Moreover seeing people enjoying our escape game at the end was very fulfilling.

What I did on the project:

  • As Project Manager, I had to do wroten report everyday about how the production was going on, and if the work produced by the team was enough.
  • I animated the reunions with the team, and distributed the tasks.
  • And of course, puzzles and design for the Escape Game itself.




This game has been done in 4 months with a team of 6 persons. It was the first time I programmed a video game entirely, and it allowed me to discover the afinity I had with programmation, but also that I didn't want to work exclusively in this field.
Rogue like is a type of game I particularly enjoy, and that I find interesting for its replay value, so I was very excited to work on this project. The concept revolves around time, and I'm pretty proud of it and more particularly of the system around it.
But the production of the game has been pretty arsh. For a first video game it was hard to be Project Manager, Lead Game Designer and learn how to code. So the final result is still what we were planning, but the game doesn't seem finished. This project still left me a little bitter, evenmore for a type of game I enjoy this much. But well, it is also probably the project that made me learn the more. So I'll use all this knowledge for good next time!

What I did on the project:

  • Creating game mechanics and systems that would keep the player engage for an hour of play.
  • Balancing of the random in the genration of rooms, or in the drops of ennemies.
  • All the programmation, player mechanics, ennemies AI, game system.

But most importantly I learned:

  • Accesibility and feedbacks are capital, or the player won't stay engaged.
  • Randomness is a incredible tool of Game Design, with it you can simulate life or create fun with good probabilities.
  • Always plan the code, I have taken an habit of writing it on a panel beforehand.

Golem Invocator


The history of this game is kinda funny, because I created it with another person before hearing about Autobattlers. And it's only when testing one latter that I realized it was completely falling in its definition. But to make it simple, the principle is two invocators creating chess-like pieces, which must go to the other side of the board. The pieces move automatically, so the only decision is where and when to create it. It was very fun to create this game, evenmore since I am a fan of chess.


Jam Video Game

The game was created during a game jam, so in only 2 days. I was with a team of 6 peoples, who were mostly friends. Creating during jam is always a good experience, for the ambiance and the emulation it creates, and with friends it was even better. This is one of the projects that permited to realize that after spending 4 months learning to code on a big project, we could now create some decent prototypes in only 2 days.


Card Game

This game was conceptualize and prototype very quickly, I was alone creating it. I wanted to try myself at creating a card game. I didn't want it to be a collectible one, I wanted something simple and elegant, and indeed there is only 5 cards needed for this game. I playtested it a lot with friends, and still from time to time we play it. It was a good experience and satisfying of creating a deep system with only 5 cards. And this game also represent my passion for card games and mind games.


A/M : Personal Projects - Professional Projects - School Projects - Skills - Education - What else?

Personnal Projects

Akuma : Wrath of The Fallen

Akuma : Wrath of the Fallen is a 2D Action Platformer game taking place in Hell.
You play as a samourai who got betrayed by demons during a battle.

This game was created in two months during a summer vacation.
I was Lead Programmer and Gameplay Programmer on the project.
I worked a lot on the Game Feel of the movement and the attacks, since we wanted the controller to be the most polished part of the game.

You can download it on

This game is also a first succesful launch for me. it has been downloaded more than 1200 times on!

Neon Esper

Neon Esper is a 2D top-down Action versus game with Neon style graphics. Your attacks stay on the map as traps that you can activate later. Use this moveset to outsmart your friend !

You can download it on

It's a 3 weeks solo project, I wanted to try to do a game where I produce everything.
I particularly worked on the code structure to easily implement the local multiplayer.


Tetrabot is a Battle Puzzle game where two player build there own star ship with tetrominos and then battle to the death in the space arena !

You can download it on

This game was made in two days for the 2020 Global Game Jam.
I programmed the building part of the game, making me find solutions for UI/menu navigation in a multiplayers game.

Professional Projects

This is not the End

This Is Not The End is a 80 minutes Location Based Virtual Reality experience, for 1 to 6 players in Free Roaming.
15 years ago, the world was ravaged. The few survivors live under the absolute control of fanatics who follow the orders of a mysterious entity called THE VOICE.

I worked as a Game Designer intern at Myoken during 1 month.
It was late in the production of This is not the End, I worked to design or readjust a part of the puzzles of the game.

I also designed and documented with their producer the next game that was going to be in production.
The game is not released, but it is a VR racing party game. I studied a lot the main reference which is Mario Kart and designed some maps.

School Projects

Haunted Antlers

Haunted Antlers is a 2D Action Adventure game taking place in a mysterious forest.
You play as the shaman of a small village consisting of animals with curious antlers. His mission is to harvest the newborns, but on his latest mission, a strange creature take the baby in the depths of the forest...

This game is the result of a four months production.
It was my first closest experience to working as a professional team.
I programmed the controller and the physic of the game. The player has a liana to grab and project objects or ennemies anywhere, making them bounce on the walls and hurt themselves.

With a feature of the player toolset that was so linked to the physic, it was interesting to work at the same time on the physic of the launch of the objects and the Game Feel of the whole controller obtained thanks to that.

You can download it on


Golem is a 2D Roguelike game where you play a magic Golem trying to protect his moutain.
The Golem can be powered only for a certain time, but everytime he uses an ability or get hurt, his time shorten.

This game is a four month production. I programmed and designed the whole game.
I passed a lot of time on the system of this game,
to make a feedback loop that would be interesting enough to keep the player engaged even though the gameplay wasn't polished.

Golden Rails

Golden Rails is a Coopetitive Boardgame, you are doing a holdup on train with 3 of your companions. You want to pull the rug under them and escape with all the money.
But what you don't know, is that they all thought about the same thing...

This boardgame is the result of a 8 month production.
I worked as Game Designer and was in charge of the playtests to equilibrate the game.
I passed a lot of time to adjust the systems of cards and squares to make sure that the game was balanced between fairness and randomness to be fun.


Game Design

  • Have a fast iterative process by building loads of prototypes.
  • Analyze the market of a type of game, and find the most common patterns used to learn from them.
  • Simulate complex game systems using Machinations.
  • Keep documentation up-to-date and express ideas using Illustrator.
  • Work on the Game Feel to make any action satisfying to do.


  • Gameplay Programmer experience for 2D action games.
  • Working with object-oriented language, C#.
  • Create structure for easier development.
  • Worked on Unity projects, and experience with Unreal Engine.



  • Satisfying my curiosity for various topics: science, psychology, art...
  • Looking for weird pieces of culture : indie games, underrated manga.
  • Discovering new places and travelling to distant ones.
  • Creating in small events like Jams



Learning Game Design, Programmation, Management and Level Design.

Summer 2019

VR Game Studio.
As an intern Game Designer and Level Designer.

What is next?

Currently looking for an internship as Game Designer or Game Programmer